10 Of The Best Trolling For Rainbow Trout Techniques [Tips Without Downriggers

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Rod & Reel Setup for Trout Trolling. Saltwater Landing Totals. If you lower it too fast the drag from the flasher tandem will cause it to rise upwards and tangle your lure line. Fishing Videos & Tips. Trolling Weight-Depth-Speed Ratio Chart. Trolling with weights. Probably the most deadly tolling strategy to develop in the last several years has been the combination of downriggers with electronic fish finders. Finally, make slow wide arcing turns. Other anglers avoid this combination because they don't know how deep they are fishing. Contact the Editor This email address is being protected from spambots. My personal favourite use for snap weights is running them off a planer board. Sometimes it seemed that the release was too light and would release the fishing line before the setup arrived at target depth. He sets the clip tension tight so it doesn't come off, zeros his line counter and gets to depth near straight down. But you can have a much more efficient setup that is way cheaper than the cost of lead core.

Trolling Weight To Depth Ratio Explained

When is the Best Time to Troll for Deep Trout? As the trout move about the lake, they will most likely be found in the top of the water column. However, you may be catching fish without marking any. Try as I could, no kokanee could be enticed from the 60-foot depth. 10 of the Best Trolling for Rainbow Trout Techniques [Tips Without Downriggers. Explore Related Articles. If you can consistently maintain a line angle of 45deg the math is pretty easy, the error will be in judging the angle. For the sake of comparison, I used a leader length of 15 ft and varied the way the weight was split between the lure and the trolling weight. Too many lures and attractors can confuse the kokanee and they cannot focus on attacking a lure. It cannot get colder unless it gives up heat that rises to the surface. Finned or rudder type downrigger balls are popular. Knowing the depth of the bottom is essential, especially if your lake has varying contours.

Trolling Weight To Depth Ratio Definition

We caught a lot of fish on this outfit thinking these were stray, shallow fish. Extremely slow for kokanee a four, six or eight pound trolling ball is all you will need. Attach a diving lure such as a deep-diving crankbait, spoon, or spinner to line. I like to put a very light drag on my reel to avoid excessive ballooning. Trolling weight to depth ratio conversion. The drag forces on a lure are pretty easily determined as well. Second, space your line properly. The Mighty Hudson River.

Trolling Weight To Depth Radio France

5 m. Your own experience will soon have you working out depths fairly close. With electric downriggers, I was more willing to check my setup to see if the corn or worm was still intact. The Trollers Handbook, California Guide - Great Saltwater Fishing, and San Francisco Bay Area Fishing Guide are available at local bookstores, or contact Amato Publishing at (800) 541-9498, visit Discover even more in our monthly magazine, and have it delivered to your door! Most of this involves trial and error but having a logical starting point helps reduce the time it takes to figure out the perfect weight combination. I prefer mono because it has some stretch to it. 1 ounce||16-20 ft. ||12-16 ft. Get Down to the Salmon's Depth - Game & Fish. ||8-12 ft. |. Summer – trout will seek cooler water, moving away from shore and into deeper water.

Trolling Weight To Depth Ratio Charts

Leadline – using a lead line allows you to reach greater depths without outriggers or accessories. Trolling speed is critical. I like heavier weights because I fish three downriggers on my boat and I like my lines as straight down as possible. In addition, snap weight lines are perfect as planer board lines with either in line boards or double trolling boards, but let's not worry about them here. It is critical to know if you are passing over kokanee, and if they are not biting your lures. How to test your boat. Trolling weight to depth ratio explained. The snap weight technique will prove a valuable asset for any dedicated troller as it will allow you to troll more deep lines without a downrigger or leadcore line. The deeper fish were starting to settle in for the winter. Here's how to use all of them and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Attach lure or fly to the leader. Make it a point to fish paralle l to these areas, not over them. They are an extremely accurate piece of equipment and the detail that most modern sonar units can give you is really quite amazing!

Trolling Weight To Depth Ratio Conversion

Not surprisingly, the dollar investment for the latest gadgets has reached new heights. If you are hitting bottom you will see your pulley bouncing. Trolling weight to depth ratio definition. When a kokanee is exhausted and lying on top on its side it is perfectly OK to skim him across the surface of the water into your net. And finally, decide on a lure that consistently catches trout. But far too many kokanee fishermen blame the kokanee's relatively soft mouth for long distance releases, rather than put the true blame on the equipment they are using.

Trolling Weight To Depth Ratio Formula

I have found that in the early season kokanee relate to structure. In my opinion these scents are more powerful bite stimulants than anything that corn can produce by itself. My own research has revealed another interesting characteristic of white shoepeg corn: it stays white all the way down the water column without any fade. I set out the FishHawk TD to determine if temperature had anything to do with it. Our trolling rods were set for the top half of the water column, not the bottom half. I find it very convenient to have a high-speed reel that can keep up with the downrigger without a lot of line slack (and tangles). Flies can be used with any trolling method, however, some work better than others.

Kokanee are fun to catch, delicious to eat, and found in lakes and reservoirs throughout the state. A reel with a very smooth drag is essential. The result is a repellant electrical charge right where you don't want it. To make your presentation as accurate as possible you need some means of measuring the line you let off your spool. Spoons like these are extremely versatile because they will swim at very slow speeds (as slow as 1. The sharper the pitch the quicker it will diver. With this type of heavy tackle. Electric downriggers have an auto stop feature, which will allow you to bring your downrigger ball up and out of the way while you are battling your fish. The kernels are long and slender and very uniform. There are hundreds of kokanee lures on the market. Trolling means letting a lot of line out and a normal spool will cause you to be in your backing before you know it. What works one day may not work the next. Line weight (8 to 80 lbs).

How much more weight should I add? Where to troll in windy conditions? This setup is far superior to an in-line banana weight, which you would have to re-tie the entire setup each time you needed more or less weight. Many anglers blame circle hooks for lots of missed bites and welcome the chance to use conventional hooks. Weights can frequently contain tin or other metals that can cause an electrical reaction with. One of the very best recent developments in technology is the ability to accurately measure the temperature of the water at depth.

When landing a fish you've hooked on a snap weight line, a steady retrieve is usually the best approach. Best Flasher – Panther Martin High Lake Fish Attractor With Rudder. It is generally accepted that it will be a 5-foot drop for each color you have out. However, the use of a dodger will usually help catch more fish. I believe my success rate has increased using this setup.

Sometimes it would arrive at target depth, but would release when I would "load" the rod in the rod holder (take out slack and put some bend in the rod). However, spinning gear does bring with it some potential disadvantages. Best Spinner – Panther Martin Pro Guide Anywhere 6 Pack. For now, I hope you will find these subtopics of interest. The running depth of a lure will be greater if there is more weight further down the line. As the weight can now slide, it becomes less of a point of leverage for the fish when hooked. It is a longer broken up image on your fishfinder. My preference is an elongated weight but I generally advise fishermen to pick up whatever is least expensive.

If you catch a fish at a particular depth or drop back, you can repeat the process to get back to the strike zone. Shallow it out to 30deg (below horizontal, or 60deg from vertical) and you are at 50%. A better fish finder can accurately read and consistently distinguish between the electronic image of a kokanee, king or rainbow.