Is Quiv A Scrabble Word

Priya O Re Piya Lyrics

N-fal'll-bF, a. Infallible. Swad'F, vt. Swaddle. Leg'i-bP, a. Legible.

Is Quiv A Scrabble Word Meaning

And definition of about jo^OOO vocabulary terms, DISTINGUISHING FEATURES. Ger'mi-na-tlv-ly*, adv. Loc"u-ple'ta-tlv«, a. Locupletative. A-mus'a-bP, a. Amusable. Un"re-spect'a-bl*", a. Unrespectable. Ures; The Metric System; Rules for Pronunciation; Rules for Spelling; Rules for Punctuation; Abbrevi-. Post-pos'i-tiv«, a. Postpositive. Rep'ro-ba"tiv*, a. Reprobative. Tem'perd'"*^, pa. Tempered.

Tra-gel'a-phln^, a. Tragelaphine. Sl-ll'ceus«, sl-U'clus*, a. Siliceous, siUcious. Dls"in-terd'^*^, pp. Pre-cip'i-ta-bF, a. Precipitable. Crys'tal-IIn*, a. CrystalUne. Sed'a-tlv''*8, a. Sedative. Vlii-dlc'tlv^*«, a. Vindictive.

Dis-turb'a-tlv«, a. Disturbative. HoT'o-log**, n. Horologue. Prem'Is^*^, n. Premise, premiss. Frank'a-bl'', a. Frankable. Un'^sus-taia'a-bF, a. Unsustainable. Con-trol'Ia-bl-iiess% n. Controlla-. Trl-part'i-bP, a. Tripartible. Letfa'cr^-'S v. Leather. Con-sub'stan-tlv^, a. Consubstantive.

Is Quiv A Scrabble Word Name

San'guln-ly''*^, adv. MeFan-coI-y*"*", a. Melancholy. Ln"com-bus'ti-bP, a. Incombus-. Un"en-dan'gerd», a. Unendangered. Pslt-tac'u-lln«, a. Psittaculine. Ac-com'plisht^*", pa. Uii"ob-tru'siv''*«, a. Unobtrusive. LiQ'ue-fi"a-bF, a. Liquefiable. Verst^*^, a. Versed. Blue'^eyd'"", a. Blue=eyed. Nyc-tlb'i-ln", a. Nyctibiine.

Un-pep'perd^*«, a. Unpeppered. RULES OF THE SIMPLIFIED SPELLING BOARD xv. Un"eii-thrald'^, a. Unentliralled. Guv'er-nor^, n. Governor. Ne-mer'tln*, a. Nemertine. Hy"dro-cou'ma-riii8, n. Hydrocou-. Veg^e-ta^tlv'*", a. V^etative. Spal"a-cop'o-dln«, a. Spalacop-. 49. hal'lowd'*, pp- Hallowed. The most common meaning.

Rep'tlF*% -tlle^, n. Reptile. Ta^so-for'ma-tiY*, a. Vasoformative. The weak or "obscure" vowels in question. Ag-glu'tl-na-tiv*"*^, a. Agglutinative. De-te'rI-o-ra"tIv^, a. Deteriorative. Plch'er*", n. Pitcher. Nonsicor-ros'lv^*", a. Solv'a-bP, solv'i-bP, a. Solvable, so'cla-bl**, a. Sociable.

The various classes of simpUfications reconunended by the rules already referred. Quad"rl-vol'tln*, a. Quadrivol-. Pro-jec'tll*'*«, -lle», a. Projectile. Tel"e-me-can'lc*, a. Telemechanic. Crys'tal-lls"a-bF, crys'tal-llz"a-bl%. Bllnd'wurm"*", n. blindworm.

Ta-peFno-ce-fal'lC**, a. Tapeinoce-. ® 2022 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Tef'ra-faF'ma-con''**, n. Tetraphar-. Mel-llv'o-rin", o. MeUivorine. Un-senst"'*«, a. Unsensed. Veg'e-ta''tlv-ne8s", n. Vegetativeness. U'ter-ln''**, -Ine*", a. Sted'fast-ness^*^, n. Steadfastness. Salable, unsaleable. Bat'ond", a. Batoned. To provide supporters of the SimpUfied SpelUng Movement with the ade-.

— Drop final ue in apologue, catalogue, etc. Car-mln'a-tiv^*% a. Carmina-. Sec'un-din", sec'on-dins n. Secun-. Bed'rld"n^*", a. Bedridden. In-lin'l-ta-bF, a. Inimitable. Na-tlv''*% a. Conglutina-.

Tel"e-op'tlF*», -lle^, n. Teleoptile. Be-sted'*, vt. Bestead. Words with z and v. words that end in ge.